reach out / join our community

Scroll down to explore how you can join our growing global community of individuals and partner corporations – driven by the knowledge that the gifted human beings who make our beautiful handcrafted products are as real as the actual objects we hold in our hands.

Please explore our unique corporate gifting options and eco-friendly stationery. We’re also helping organisations navigate to meaningful CSR engagement opportunities. We’d absolutely love to have you in our growing network of partners.

End Users

Every little bit helps. Buying our products in bulk, for special occasions, or personal use. Letting us know of opportunities in your network and sharing the mission with friends is more than we can hope for. It’s amazing, how each little step of yours can move so many of us forward.

Skilled Individuals & Designers

We’re always working on developing the production to delivery chain. Your knowledge and contribution to production, design, enterprise management is much appreciated.

Donors & Well-Wishers

We are grateful to friends and family all over the world who have supported us so far. Please do get in touch with anything you have in mind, no matter how big or small.

Get In Touch!