2020 | Covid Pandemic
BlessdBuy-Initiated Projects
38,500 free food packets provided to those in need so far. Food distribution network via Bengaluru Police. Training NGOs to make cotton masks, handwash, soap. Supplying NGO-made masks to hospitals, residential societies & corporations. Critical updates, funding requirements: 50+ verified NGOs. Data repository of useful information for citizens. Positive news Facebook network: 860,000 subscribers
Resources For You
Instructions to make DIY masks at home.
Government-designated Quarantine Locations.
List of shelters for migrants & homeless.
BlessdBuy vendor-NGOs seeking urgent financial support.
NGO master list and their focus during Covid19.
Co-Founded Organisations
The World Economic Forum recently recognised us as one of India’s Leading Covid19 Last-mile Responders. Creative Dignity is an unprecedented Covid-response movement of India’s leading skill-based development organisations and artisans. Operational in 28 states across India, we are a volunteer based zero-margin initiative of 400+ professionals and 350+ student interns.
Impact: Rs.50 million worth of stocks liquidated through platforms, exhibitions and WhatsApp sales | 16,500 artisans supported | Rs.36 million raised | 3300 relief kits distributed.
Helpline: +91 635 902 1888 | www.creativedignity.org
Supported Projects & Movements
Donations for #istandwithhumanity – an initiative of The Art of Living and IAHV.
Oxygen concentrators provided6,705. Masks distributed 2 million. Doctor consultations56,000. Quarantined people provided with food48,080. Meals distributed 4,51,10,660.
Actively supporting the #Startups vs Covid movement.